What you will learn with this Book

  • Game Basics

    Blackjack or 21, Craps, Roulette, Baccarat and Slots, learn the basics, rules, how to approach the table, how to play.

  • Control

    Learn about win goals, loss limits, focus - everything you need to take on the casino like a warrior, not a victim!

  • Strategies

    Not systems, but ways of thinking about your time in the casino, your time at the table, and how best to help you walk away a more consistent winner.

  • Systems

    Systems for each of the games, and for games in general, like all even odds bets. Purchasable system reviews, book reviews and more.

  • Not your Normal Read

    With humor, with stories and quotes, this book is a fun read from start to finish. Detailed to teach you the everything from the basics on, or just jump to the meat of the systems.

  • 250 pages of information

    Not your common little 12-page pamphlet - this is a tome of knowledge on the games, and on the art of beating the casino.

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For anyone visiting a casino, whether often or just occasionally, the experience can be intimidating. This book can help level the playing field for the visitor and lower the house's odds. Mr. Nehrt has blended gambling concepts and strategies into an understandable, educational, instructional and thoroughly enjoyable walk through a realistic experience at a typical casino. Armed with this knowledge you will be better prepared to visit the lion's den and walk out a winner. This is a mandatory read if you don't like walking away from a casino feeling fleeced yet again.
John Doe
Randolph Clark
Project Manager
As an amateur gambler it is easy to feel like you are only grasping a limited knowledge of a game. Just enough to play but not enough to play at your full potential or to skillfully make money. This book just shaved years off of my learning curve. Finally a book that helps make the games feel intuitive and un-shrouds the mystery that tends to leave a gambler at a disadvantage. A quick read but packed with insightful information that doesn't get wrapped up in off putting jargon. Just what I needed.
Jane Doe
William Gardner
Graphic Artist
This book comes from one who has studied gaming and applies theory to make it practical and fun. A little reading will make the trip to the casino more enjoyable for you because after all, taking something home from the casino is always more fun than leaving it behind. This has the potential to make that happen. Not every time. No amount of education will make you an every time winner. But you only need a little help to beat the house more frequently and this is that help. Have fun and enjoy a quick informative read.
Jimmy Doe
Gregory Abbott
Doctor - Retired
For someone (like me) who loves to play games, I always shied away from gambling, but this book gives me the confidence to try my hand. Mr. Nehrt obviously knows his stuff, and I appreciate his eyes-wide-open approach mixed with knowledge and passion for the games of chance. This is the only book you'll need to get up to speed so that you can bet and play with confidence - even the first time out.
John Doe
Andrea Gardner
Jewelry Artist
This book has changed the way I gamble! Many other authors have attempted to outline a successful technique that works, but this is the only book that I've found that makes it all really simple. I'd recommend this book to the novice and to the pro.
Jane Doe
Bob V.

Take a sneak peak inside

Dedicated research on other systems and personal experimentation has turned a handful of notes into a comprehensive collection of potentially winning strategies. First and foremost, it is important to understanding that there is no winning system that can beat the mathematical odds that the casino has against a player. However, this book teaches you strategies to follow while in the casino, giving you a large amount of information to help you walk out a winner.

These tips can benefit players of all experience levels. You will learn to think how the casino thinks, and avoid the traps they set for every player. Inside you will find the general rules for each of the main games, tips on how to approach a table, what to say to the dealers, how to handle your money, and especially a broad range of specific strategies, or “systems” for each of the games covered. This book makes the game and strategy information easy to understand and follow, as well as fun and enjoyable to read, with a bit of irreverant humor sprinkled throughout.

  • Strategies - Systems are good and all, but what will save you the most money is your behavior in the casino, what to watch out for, when to gamble, when to leave, how to handle your money, etc.
  •         Gambling Guidelines
  •         A Day at the Casino
  •         Discipline and Strategy
  •         The Most Important Behaviors to Follow
  •         Knowledge
  •         Bankroll Money Management
  •         Charting the Tables - Tracking Trends
  • Game Descriptions and Systems - In depth description of each game, how to play, the odds and what to play and not play, how to get into it, what to do and not do, etc.
  •         The Game is Craps
  •         The Game is Roulette
  •         The Game is Baccarat
  •         The Game is Blackjack / 21
  •         The Game is Slots
  •         The Game is… well… just about anything!
  • Layouts for Printing and Copying - Cheat sheets to copy and take with you to the tables to help you track how the game is going, what to do next.
  • Reviews of Books and Systems - What to read, what to purchase, what to avoid.
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Read it in your favorite format - Hard bound, soft cover, and eBook

A hardback to last in your library for years, as you peruse it over and over, picking new systems to try, taking notes and adding experience. When you decide to try a new game out, THIS is the book to come to for your introduction.

A soft cover for travel fans, packs easily, reads well in the airplane, will still be in your bookshelf years later when you need it. Thinking of upping your game? Open this up for a brush-up on the rules and the systems for it.

The e-Book is the ultimate in portability - read Winning Gambling Strategies on your iPad, your Android Fire, your Kindle, even on your phone when you are standing in line.

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A word from the Author

Mr. Nehrt has been interested in gambling for over 20 years but does not make his living from gambling.

Computer consulting is what he does for his livelihood, focusing on Quality Assurance practices in software development. The discipline it takes to develop applications and discover software 'bugs' has come in very handy, lending a critical and logical approach to researching gambling systems.

Before risking money on the table, he takes great care in decomposing a system into its mathematical components, writing programs to try the system on a virtual table thousands of times to determine its strengths and weaknesses, seeing if it is worth trying, or just total garbage (as many systems are).

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